Welcome to Sabbath Sundries!
Hi my name is Lily Dawn Bilsland... artist, maker, wife to Goose, and mama to 5 amazing sons. We live in Monroe, Georgia and love our small town life.
After 10 years of running a handmade jewelry business and brick and mortar gift shop, we closed the doors at the end of 2020. I was burnt out and unsure of where God was leading me next creatively.
As a long time clean skincare user and maker of my own products, I started observing all the interest in healthier options and began sharing what has worked for me. Sabbath Sundries was born!
Organic tallow has been a game changer for my skincare routine, so you will find that ingredient in many of the products we produce. My desire is to help you take care of your skin with all natural, non-toxic products that work. We are not anti-aging, we are pro-aging well <3
Why Sabbath Sundries?
Our family of seven started practicing sabbath out of a desire to disconnect from the daily grind and technology every week and focus on what is important. Practicing sabbath has changed my life as every week it reminds me to be still, worship, and release all my goals, ideas, and plans to Jesus, trusting that He will always guide my steps.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
- Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30)
*Send us a message with any questions, we would love to help!